Infiniti QX4 service since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
5. Cooling and heating systems
6. Power supply systems and managements
7. Start and charge systems
7.1. Specifications
7.2. Check of a condition of the generator
7.3. Check of serviceability of a condition of a starter
8. Transmission line
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
11. Body
12. Electric equipment



7.2. Check of a condition of the generator

On a cover to the party of the generator there are the plugs designated by letters of "S", «L» and "In".


  1. Make sure of completeness of a charge of the storage battery.
  2. Check serviceability of a condition of all safety locks and fusible inserts in the block of distribution of the capacity, located near the right support of a rack of a forward suspension bracket in an impellent compartment of the car. If any of inserts has a brown shade, check chain electroconducting on a site between the block of distribution of capacity and the generator plug "V" on existence of signs of short circuit on weight. Make necessary regenerative repair.
  3. Turn a key in the ignition lock in the situation RUN and observe reaction of a control lamp of a charge on an instrument guard. If the lamp does not light up, pass to performance of the following check, otherwise the following paragraph should be passed.
  4. Disconnect electroconducting from S and L plugs on a back cover of the generator and by means of a wire crossing point earth the last («L») on weight — if the lamp does not work, check actually its condition, and also a condition of the corresponding electroconducting and a safety lock. At operation of a lamp replace the built-in regulator of tension.
  5. Start the engine and lift its turns to 1500 in a minute. If the control lamp of a charge does not light up, therefore system as it should be, otherwise pass to the next stage of check.
  6. Muffle the engine and check effort of a tension of a driving belt of the generator, and also a condition of contact In, S and L plugs on a back cover and a safety lock of a chain of the plug "S". Execute necessary regenerative repair. If all under control elements are found in a satisfactory condition, pass to the following stage of check.
  7. Start the engine and leave it working at single turns. At operation of a control lamp pass to the following stage of check, otherwise system as it should be.
  8. Lift engine turns to 1500 in a minute and measure tension on the generator plug "V". If the result of measurement surpasses value in 15.5 In, replace a tension regulator. Underestimated in relation to onboard tension testifies to break of a field chain. Make necessary regenerative repair of the generator.

Check on a workbench

Hitachi generator design — see the illustration Design of the Hitachi generator applied on the Infiniti QX4 models.



  1. By means of a digital multimeter check conductivity existence between sliding contact rings an anchor. In the absence of conductivity replace an anchor.
  2. Check conductivity between each of sliding rings and the core of anchor assembly. Conductivity should be absent, otherwise the anchor is subject to replacement.
  3. Measure diameter of sliding rings — the minimum admissible value is given in Specifications.



  1. By means of a digital multimeter check conductivity between wires of the core of a stator. In the absence of conductivity the stator is subject to replacement.
  2. Check conductivity between the core and each of stator windings. Conductivity should not be. The faulty stator is subject to replacement.

Diode assembly

The separation of diode assembly from a stator is made by an otpaivaniye of connecting wires — try not to overheat diodes!


  1. Connect a positive wire of a digital multimeter to a positive plate of diode assembly, a negative wire — to any diode plug. Consider the measuring instrument indication, then change polarity of connection and repeat check. Conductivity should take place only in one direction. Operating in a similar manner, check each of assembly diodes. If during any of checks conductivity takes place in both directions or is absent at both measurements, diode assembly is subject to replacement.



  1. Check freedom of sliding of brushes in holders. In case of need smooth out directing holders.
  2. Attentively study brushes on existence of cracks and signs of excessive wear.
  3. Check integrity of shchetochny springs
  4. Make sure that the residual length of brushes does not leave out of the minimum admissible limit (see. Specifications) — restrictive basic labels in a look рисок can be drawn also directly on a body of brushes.

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7.1. Specifications
on the following page»
7.3. Check of serviceability of a condition of a starter