Infiniti QX4 service since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
2.1. Access, protection
2.1.1. Keys – the general information
2.1.2. Doors
2.1.3. Remote control by functioning of the electric drive of activators door locks / activation of the anticreeping alarm system
2.1.4. Access to podkapotny space
2.1.5. Access to a ware box
2.1.6. Access to a jellied mouth of a fuel tank
2.1.7. Lock of ignition / blocking of a steering column
2.1.8. Anticreeping system
2.2. Elements of systems of safety
2.3. Car equipment, arrangement of devices and governing bodies
2.4. Comfort
2.5. Operation receptions
2.6. A mode of operation in emergencies
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
5. Cooling and heating systems
6. Power supply systems and managements
7. Start and charge systems
8. Transmission line
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
11. Body
12. Electric equipment



2.1.4. Access to podkapotny space


  1. The handle of the lever of an otpuskaniye of the lock of a cowl is located at the left under the car dashboard. At handle procrastination on itself the cowl should rise slightly.
  1. After an otpuskaniye of a latch of the lock leave salon and bypass the car in front. The additional lever of fixing of a latch of the lock is located under a first line of a cowl — delay the lever up.
  1. Having lifted a cowl, reliably fix it a special persistent bar. Track reliability of fixing of an open cowl.
  1. Before slamming a cowl, make sure that did not leave in an impellent compartment any tool, rags and other extraneous subjects. Track reliability of fixing of a cowl a latch.

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2.1.3. Remote control by functioning of the electric drive of activators door locks / activation of the anticreeping alarm system
on the following page»
2.1.5. Access to a ware box