5.12. A receiver dehumidifier - the general information and serviceThe receiver dehumidifier serves in central air of air for a filtration, drainage and temporary storage of a coolant leaving the condenser. The tank of a receiver is equipped with the mesh filter providing elimination of extraneous particles and pollution and cleaning of them of a system path.
Service life of a receiver of a dehumidifier in modern central airs of Infinitis working at a coolant of R134а makes about 10 years whereas earlier, when using coolant R-12 replacement of a receiver should be carried out rather regularly owing to a congestion of excess of moisture in it. The design of components of modern systems allows to avoid moisture hit to the highway at the expense of use of special additives, sealing elements of the compressor, the hidden sealing rings and water-proof hoses.
Each time at a detachment of a receiver or any other components of a refrigerator path cork the open ends of shtutserny connections and connecting lines in order to avoid hit in moisture system.
Receiver dehumidifier replacement in modern central airs should be made only in the following cases:
- Compressor jamming;
- Hit in system of metal particles;
- Existence of signs of serious violation of passableness of a path.