Infiniti QX4 service since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
5. Cooling and heating systems
6. Power supply systems and managements
7. Start and charge systems
8. Transmission line
8.1. 4-step automatic transmission
8.1.1. General information
8.1.2. AT problem diagnostics - the general information
8.1.3. Electronic and hydraulic control system of 4-step AT
8.1.4. Removal and transmission installation
8.1.5. Replacement of an epiploon of lengthening of transmission
8.1.6. Removal and installation of a cooler of ATF
8.1.7. Removal and installation of klapanny assembly of a hydraulic contour of management of AT
8.1.8. Removal, check of a condition and installation of a driving cable of blocking of switchings
8.1.9. Adjustment of a drive of switching of AT
8.1.10. Adjustment of the sensor switch of provisions of AT / permission of start
8.1.11. Major maintenance of AT
8.2. Transfer case
8.3. Differentials, power shafts / semi-axis
8.4. Driveshafts
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
11. Body
12. Electric equipment

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8.1.1. General information

4-step AT enters into a standard complete set of Infiniti QX4 cars with electronic control of the RE4R01A type

In view of complexity of a design of AT, absence on free sale of replaceable internal components, and need of use of the special equipment, originators of the real Management do not recommend to owners of cars to carry out major maintenance of transmission by own forces. In the present Chapter procedures of diagnostics of the general refusals of transmission, its routine maintenance, adjustments, removals and installations are considered only.

Sometimes, in case of serious breakage, it is more reasonable and simpler to replace transmission, than to waste time and funds for restoration of the failed assembly. Regardless of the chosen way of introduction of refused AT in action, independent performance of procedures of its removal and installation will help to cut down substantially expenses (before make sure that transmission really needs regenerative repair).

The detailed description of a design and principles of functioning of transmission is provided in the ARUS No. 179 series (ISBN 5-89744-069-7) Management.

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8.1. 4-step automatic transmission
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8.1.2. AT problem diagnostics - the general information