Infiniti QX4 service since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
5. Cooling and heating systems
6. Power supply systems and managements
7. Start and charge systems
8. Transmission line
8.1. 4-step automatic transmission
8.1.1. General information
8.1.2. AT problem diagnostics - the general information
8.1.3. Electronic and hydraulic control system of 4-step AT
8.1.4. Removal and transmission installation
8.1.5. Replacement of an epiploon of lengthening of transmission
8.1.6. Removal and installation of a cooler of ATF
8.1.7. Removal and installation of klapanny assembly of a hydraulic contour of management of AT
8.1.8. Removal, check of a condition and installation of a driving cable of blocking of switchings
8.1.9. Adjustment of a drive of switching of AT
8.1.10. Adjustment of the sensor switch of provisions of AT / permission of start
8.1.11. Major maintenance of AT
8.2. Transfer case
8.3. Differentials, power shafts / semi-axis
8.4. Driveshafts
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
11. Body
12. Electric equipment



8.1.3. Electronic and hydraulic control system of 4-step AT

Detailed information on the device and principle of action of automatic transmissions is provided in the Guide to automatic transmissions of an ARUS No. 179 series (ISBN 5-89744-069-7).

The main objective of the transmission line is transfer of a torque developed by the engine to driving wheels of the car. The organization of the correct transfer relations in the AT reduktorny hubs allows to minimize power costs of the power unit of rotation transfer at the expense of maintenance of optimum turns.

Management of transmission is carried out in the hydraulic way on commands of the electronic module of the management (TCM), developed on the basis of the analysis of the data arriving from various information sensors. TCM carries out a choice of demanded transfer by activation of electromagnetic managing directors of the valves providing supply of hydraulic liquid a contour of the corresponding coupling of coupling. Precision control of operating pressure guarantees absence of stress of switchings and accuracy of definition of the moments of blocking of the hydrotransformer. A function chart of an electronic and hydraulic control system of AT — see an illustration the Function chart of an electronic and hydraulic control system of AT.

The placement scheme on the car of components of an electric part of a control system of AT — see an illustration the placement Scheme on the car of components of an electric part of a control system of AT.

Principles of functioning of a hydraulic part of a control system — see illustrations Design features of elements of a hydraulic path of a control system of AT and the Schematic diagram of functioning of a hydraulic contour of management of AT. The key TCM under control parameters are: switching moment; moment of blocking and moment of braking by the engine.

Also as well as the control system of the engine a control system of transmission is included in a chain of onboard system of self-diagnostics of OBD-II and in case of identification of any sort of violations the corresponding diagnostic code is brought in memory of TCM. An order of reading of codes of malfunctions — see. AT problem diagnostics - the general information. The list of the main codes is provided in Specifications (see. Transmission line).

Function chart of an electronic and hydraulic control system of AT

1 — — the Engine
2 — АТ
3 — the Sensor switch of a closed position of a butterfly valve
4 — the Sensor switch of completely open provision of a butterfly valve
5 — TPS
6 — the Sensor switch of permission of start (PNP)
7 — Ø/m the pressure valve in the line
8 — Ø/m the valve of the blocking coupling of the hydrotransformer
9 — Ø/m the valve of the obgonny coupling of coupling
10 — the Electromagnetic valve of switching And
11 — the Electromagnetic valve of switching In

12 — the Lowering resistor
13 — the Sensor of turns
14 — the Sensor of temperature of ATF
15 — the ASCD Control unit
16 — the Switch of raising transfer
17 — engine Turns
18 — butterfly valve Opening
19 — TCM
20 — the Control lamp of shutdown of raising transfer (OD)
21 — VSS
22 — ECM

The placement scheme on the car of components of an electric part of a control system of AT

Design features of elements of a hydraulic path of a control system of AT

Schematic diagram of functioning of a hydraulic contour of management of AT


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8.1.2. AT problem diagnostics - the general information
on the following page»
8.1.4. Removal and transmission installation