Infiniti QX4 service since 1996 of release
1. Introduction
2. Maintenance instruction
3. Routine maintenance
4. Engine
5. Cooling and heating systems
6. Power supply systems and managements
7. Start and charge systems
8. Transmission line
9. Brake system
10. Suspension bracket and steering
10.1. Specifications
10.2. Assessment of the general condition of components of a suspension bracket and car steering
10.3. Check of a condition and replacement of spherical support of a forward suspension bracket
10.4. Check of a condition of steering drafts
10.5. Removal and installation of the cross-section lever of a forward suspension bracket
10.6. Adjustment of a pretightness of stupichny bearings of forward wheels
10.7. Removal, check of a condition and installation of screw springs and rack-mount assemblies of a forward suspension bracket
10.8. Removal and installation of stupichny assembly and rotary fist
10.9. Removal, check of a condition and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross-section stability
10.10. Replacement of stupichny bearings
10.11. Check of a condition of shock-absorbers and springs of a back suspension bracket
10.12. Removal and installation of components and assembly of a back suspension bracket
10.13. Removal, check of a condition and installation of levers of a back suspension bracket
10.14. Removal, check of a condition and installation of screw springs of a back suspension bracket
10.15. Removal and installation of shock-absorbers of a back suspension bracket
10.16. Removal and installation of the back stabilizer of cross-section stability
10.17. Removal, check of a condition and installation of a cross-section jet bar of a back suspension bracket
10.18. Pumping of a hydraulic path of a steering drive
10.19. Checks and adjustments of a steering wheel
10.20. Check of effort of resistance to sliding of a lath of the steering mechanism
10.21. Adjustment of a torque of a provorachivaniye of a leading gear wheel of the steering mechanism
10.22. Check of hydraulic pressure of GUR
10.23. Adjustment of effort of a tension of a belt of a drive of the steering pump
10.24. Removal and installation of reduktorny assembly
10.25. Removal and installation of assembly of the steering mechanism
10.26. Removal and installation of the steering pump
10.27. Removal and installation of a steering wheel
10.28. Removal and installation of assembly of the combined podrulevy switches
10.29. Removal and installation of the lock of ignition / blocking of a steering column
10.30. Removal, check of a condition and installation of a steering column
10.31. Corners of installation of forward wheels
11. Body
12. Electric equipment



10.9. Removal, check of a condition and installation of the forward stabilizer of cross-section stability


  1. To Poddomkratta the car also establish it on props (see an illustration the Scheme of an institution of props for car fixing in the lifted situation). Mark the adjusting provision of basic arms of the stabilizer.
  1. Turn out bolts of fastening of basic arms of the stabilizer.
  1. Give a nut of fastening of a rack of the stabilizer to rack-mount assembly (do not forget to remove a washer and the remote plug) — at an otdavaniye of an external nut hold internal from a provorachivaniye the second key.
  2. Remove the stabilizer.

Condition check


  1. Examine a bar and stabilizer racks on existence of deformations and other mechanical damages. Check a condition of rubber plugs. Replace defective components.
  1. Check freedom of rotation of spherical tips of racks of the stabilizer in the various directions. In case of need replace racks.



  1. Installation is made upside-down. Track correctness of combination of the landing labels put in the course of dismantle, as appropriate сориентируйте spherical tips of racks.

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10.8. Removal and installation of stupichny assembly and rotary fist
on the following page»
10.10. Replacement of stupichny bearings